I posted awhile back about my little “Come What May Garden” and I wanted to give a bit of an update on how my garden grows. The first couple of weeks of gardening were fine. We received enough scattered showers to keep me from having to actually make the five yard trek from back door to garden to water it so I was cool. Easy peasy. Then it got hot and the rain bailed. But that was okay because cute little green plants started popping up all over the place and I’m not gonna lie, it was EXCITING. (That’s right, my life is that dull.) But due to the nature of our “Come What May Garden” and because we just pretty much scattered seeds at our whimsy, I had absolutely no idea if these adorable little green signs of life were actual plants or weeds. Which that was cool too because then I had an excuse to not pull them and therefore kept my responsibilities to the garden to a minimum of watering once a day.

So while I’m pulling up these weeds I’m honestly expecting
woodland creatures to come up and start helping me but they must have all been
busy helping Cinderella get dressed or something so I was on my own. The lack of distracting woodland creatures led
to drifting off toward the worry spiral that is always waiting to suck me in. I started to think
about how I was having to put forth hours worth of work toward a garden that
had yet to produce ANY edible food (worms excluded) which then led to how am I
going to have time for this garden once our summer
coma wears off and we are putting in 18 hours a day trying to get this new
business started? And what about swim lessons? How am I supposed get that done
when I’m needed at The Core? Or how are we to continue to eat healthy when I
have absolutely zero time to spend on cooking? Jack and Addie need a fun summer
too. They don’t want to be painting and pulling up carpet all summer long. And
Jack needs a haircut. And so does the dog. I’m pretty sure I need to start
taking more B-vitamins because my eye is twitching again. I need to write down B-Vitamins
to the list I have yet to start along with the sunblock and that other thing I
was supposed to remember. Can we even afford to get both Jack and Tysen’s hair
cut? I mean starting a new business is scary and expensive and being on a budget SUCKS. What if no one shows up and we
are floating this thing out of our income for months? Maybe I could learn how
to cut hair. At least the dogs hair. And Jack can go back to his shaggy beach
look. I totally forgot to thaw any meat
for dinner tonight…again. I’m kinda hungry now. But we are supposed to work out
in an hour and I have to be at my best right? I have to represent an ideal.
Meet Jessica, paleo and crossfitty. I am soooooo not a coach. This is crazy.
What the heck am I doing? OMG this is really happening and there is no stopping
it now. What if I fail?
(That was scary, right?)
Fortunately I have a God who listens and loves and delights
in me. So you know what? I totally may fail. But I’m gonna give it my all and
I’m gonna do it to glorify Him and to love on those He loves. I am so fortunate
that my work doesn’t have to be about making money but about loving others
through providing real ways to be healthy so that they too can do what God has
called them to. So that all kinda makes me pretty stinking happy and super
excited to have this opportunity at failure or incredible, impacting,
life-changing success. And I’m going to start showing myself and others a bit
more grace. We all have our worry spirals. If the dog’s hair doesn’t get cut
then I’m okay with that. And if you order a pizza because you are too tired to
cook or you would rather have that time to snuggle with your family, then I’m
okay with that too. I think if we would let go of our ridiculous expectations
for ourselves and for others we may all be able to do some pretty amazing
things. So I’m gonna keep trucking on. Come what may.
I made just the loveliest little fritatta the other day and I was so surprised with just how easy it was. You could use any ingredients of your choosing but these are just what I had in my kitchen.
4 eggs, beaten
1 lb free-range chicken sausage, ground
handful of fresh spinach
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
1/4 green onions, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
Brown sausage in skillet that can also go in the oven. Add spinach and cook down. Add salt and pepper. Pour beaten eggs in and sprinkle tomatoes and onions on top. Let cook for just one minute at a medium heat.
Set oven to broil and stick pan into oven and watch closely. Pull out when egg mixture is slightly browning.
Slice and serve.
4 eggs, beaten
1 lb free-range chicken sausage, ground
handful of fresh spinach
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
1/4 green onions, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
Brown sausage in skillet that can also go in the oven. Add spinach and cook down. Add salt and pepper. Pour beaten eggs in and sprinkle tomatoes and onions on top. Let cook for just one minute at a medium heat.
Set oven to broil and stick pan into oven and watch closely. Pull out when egg mixture is slightly browning.
Slice and serve.
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