Sunday, October 20, 2013

According to this paleo freak

There is this weird phenomenon that happens when you go want everyone else to go paleo too. Sometimes I wonder if everyone thinks I'm so pro-paleo because I own a health food store and therefore it is making me rich. But I actually want to be very clear and absolutely honest about that...I actually have lost money since bringing in paleo staples, grass fed meats and organic produce into the shop. Augh!!! Not too bad though. I'm certainly not giving up on it. There is just quite the learning curve when it comes to selling product that has a short shelf life. Plus I've had to buy and extra freezer for all of our meat in order to meet demand and it is surprising how much electricity those things pull. So I'm telling you all this for the sake of explaining that I am a paleo freak not because it is bringing in the Benjamins baby but because I'm just a paleo freak, plain and simple. And this is why:

1. Paleo is cool. That's right. All the cool kids are doing it. Obviously...I'm doing it. It really is the trendy thing to do right now. I personally feel like one of the most important things in life is to stay trendy. And that is why I wear skinny jeans. Skinny jeans are still trendy, right? Crap. I'm not sure anymore because all I ever wear is workout clothes. Would someone please send me a message if skinny jeans are no longer cool? Okay, so maybe this isn't the best reason but we still have nine more to go.

2. Paleo is a lifestyle diet not a weight loss diet. This is not something you do to meet a goal and then go back to what you were doing. Paleo isn't a program that you sign up for. This is something you do because you want to feel this amazing forever and because there is no reason to stop. Yes, if you have weight to lose you most likely will lose the weight. But because we are eating the way our bodies were intended to eat then we will have the physique we were intended for as well.

3. Cooking is fun. At least for me. I know not everyone enjoys cooking and that is okay too. You still have to eat. I don't enjoy cleaning but I do it. Actually Levi is so OCD that he follows me around the kitchen cleaning up all my super huge messes. Sometimes I don't know why he puts up with me and then I remember that I am absolutely adorable and then it all makes sense again. But really learning how to cook with all these new cool paleo ingredients like arrowroot powder, palm shortening, and coconut aminos is kinda like being a scientist in your kitchen. Unfortunately some experiments fail and end up exploding all over your white cabinets...oops. :)

4. Real food taste SOOOOOO good! It is really weird how processed food no longer appeals to me at all! In fact, I actually have found that I would rather be hungry than to eat something that not only taste funky but is going to make me feel funky too. The flavors of real food far surpass the sauce drenched foods full of toxic yuck. Just the difference in the taste of a grass fed steak compared to a grain/corn fed steak is unbelievable. I always used steak sauce before switching to grass fed meats and now I just put a bit of salt and pepper and that steak is full of flavor.

5. We get to eat until we are full. Oh this is just so important to me! I hate being hungry like I hate being cold. The worst is going to bed hungry! So glad I don't do that anymore. I remember making sure my meals were lean and had low caloric value. My tiny little portions were hardly enough to sustain me but I was within the allotted amount of calories suggested by all the health gurus for my weight and height so I had to be healthy, right? I am just so glad that is not my life anymore. I love eating. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Food no longer is the enemy that is trying to make me fat. It is my brain fuel. It gives me strength. It provides my energy. Food is my friend...awe, how sweet. (Told you I was adorable.)

6. Paleo can be tweaked. It isn't this strict set of rules that keep your life so limited that nothing can be enjoyed anymore. For instance, dairy isn't considered perfect paleo except that a lot of people do really great on raw dairy. Therefore those people should enjoy the snot out of some raw cheese. (Quick plug....the Sunshine Shoppe carries raw cheese now...check it out!) One of my favorite things about guiding others down the path to paleo righteousness is when that person cheats and accidentally drinks a beer or has a bite of a cookie and then feels this incredibly strong need to confess their paleo sins to me. I certainly don't mind anyone needing the reassurance that they will not burn in paleo hell and I really love the power I apparently have to forgive these sins.

7. Coffee, Bacon, and Butter. Do I need to say more?

8. It is considerate of animals. Okay so some of you that know me well know that I am not the biggest animal lover. I don't know why? God just didn't make me one of those people that likes to dress their pet in designer outfits with matching bows and act like it is one of their kids. But I certainly don't believe in cruelty to animals and if any of you have watched Food, Inc then you know that our country's meat industry is nothing short of unnecessary torture of God's creatures for the sake of making buck. You don't have to be a crazy Vegan (sorry Jacqui...I love you) to honor the authority given to us by God over all creation.

9. The paleo lifestyle not only prevents disease but can also reverse it. I don't know about you but this whole health care thing is getting a bit crazy. And unfortunately we don't have a lot of control over the situation. But we can take control of our health and limit our need for health care services by eating foods that are going to reduce inflammation in the body, normalize insulin levels and heal our digestive system. The paleo diet is centered around those goals...low inflammation, balanced blood sugar and a healthy gut. So many of our county's leading causes of death...cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory disease, cancer are directly related to our fact they are considered "westerner diseases" because other countries with different lifestyles and diets do not suffer from these diseases.

10. It just make so much sense. Really it is pretty basic. We were created by an amazing God and He gave us everything we need to sustain life and live according to the purpose we were created for. Now if you don't believe in the Creator then I'm pretty sure not much of anything makes sense in your life so you might want to give that some thought. Just saying.

So is everyone ready now to drink the Paleo Kool-Aid? Just kidding we don't drink Kool-Aid...way too much processed sugar and food coloring.

Have you guys paid any attention to how beautiful everything is lately? I feel like I'm in some weird Tim Burton movie because everything is so colorful and gorgeous! I just fell in love with these acorn squash (maybe I'm sick) because of their flowery shape and beautiful color. And this recipe is oh so yummy!

Acorn squash, cut in half and seeds removed
Palm sugar
Grass fed butter

1. Place squash face down on foil lined cookie sheet and bake for 30 minutes at 350.
2. Remove from oven and turn over.
3. Spread generous amount of butter over the inside of squash.
4. Sprinkle with palm sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg and just a pinch of salt.
5. Return to over and cook for additional 30-45 minutes.

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